How… did the tiniest of minorities — no more than 2% of the population — get in a position to silence the beliefs and punish the practices of hundreds of millions?

In free societies, pornography largely remains an often frowned upon matter of private adult autonomy while the global homosexual movement is increasingly gaining acceptance of its agenda as a civil rights issue demanding public approval. While pornographers like Hugh Hefner in the Playboy Mansion have historically been content with being unhindered by otherwise disapproving individuals in a “live and let live” libertarian legal regime, Ruse writes that modern homosexuals will brook no such agreement to disagree, but rather “want Christians” (and all others) “prostrate before them and before the law.”

Ruse’s article in the end indicates the reason for these differing demands for autonomy and approval. “What we know,” he writes, is this. No matter how many Christians they persecute and prosecute, no matter how much society tolerates or even celebrates their sexual proclivities, no matter how many Gay-Straight Alliances are foisted upon our public schools, none of that will still in them the nagging feeling that what they do in bed is unnatural, and their attraction to their own sex is morally wrong. That nagging voice will never go entirely away.

Homosexual demands for public approval thus manifest a vain, twisted effort to achieve public moral compensation from society for private behavior that simply cannot be right. Falsehood cannot coexist with freedom, as the latter will expose the former. Thus advocates of a false agenda must suppress freedom with force.

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  1. As someone said some years ago: “The love that once ‘dare not speak its name’ now refuses to shut up.”

  2. The most relevant scripture in the Bible against Homosexuality is Leviticus 18:22, where it is says Not to have sex with the same sex.
    Romans 1:27 also gives New Testament verse for the argument.
    Obviously, Atheist are NOT worried about their Salvation, so this is immaterial. Christian’s better be worried! Christ is returning with Judgement!

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