Father Z: A kind of “canonization” of the Second Vatican Council.

Today, in addition to Francis’ dedication of the Vatican City State to St. Michael (and does that place need defense of the attacks of Hell!) and in addition to the release of Benedict’s final encyclical, which is Francis’ first encyclical (thus perhaps shifting “Reading Francis through Benedict” to “Reading Benedict through Francis”), His Holiness confirmed the decree of the Congregation for Causes of Saints concerning a miracle worked through the intercession of Bl. John Paul II, thus clearing the way for his canonization.

At the same time, His Holiness of our Lord decided that he would go ahead with the canonization of Bl. John XXIII even though there is no additional authenticated miracle.



  1. The canonization of these 2 Great Vat II supporter’s is just Validation that Vat II is HERE TO STAY! John XXIII =
    Iberal view of Church and JPII = Conservative view….I understand # 1 BUT # 2, he is as conservative, as liberal can make him! Remember the Interfaith council meeting in Assisi, with JP II at the helm, drawing False Religions together, claiming they all worship the same God, or should I say gods? Shameful Ecumenism!

  2. Now, even my Church drives me to seek a one-way ticket to Mars.

    Make that: especially my Church.

    • Mark,
      On the Fox News Report, they gave some time allowance, for the canonization news.I was in my Den alone, sounding off some remarks…..sure hope my husband didn’t hear…we don’t share the same views!
      The power of life and death is in the tongue 🙂

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