Renewed Priests for Life Pro-Life Training Announced

Presentations include Archdiocese of Chicago, EWTN, and the Vatican

This week and next, Priests for Life is announcing new efforts in the pro-life education of the clergy and laity. Building on the work of the last two decades, Priests for Life will present renewed initiatives to train people how to live out their commitment to protecting human life. “The pro-life effort is not simply a cause, a movement, or a political position,” explained Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “All that has its place. But pro-life is, at its core, a spirituality. The Gospels and the teachings of the Church not only teach us why we are pro-life; they teach us how to live it. There are specific virtues we need, and these virtues shape pro-life activity and strategy.”

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Editor’s note: Father Pavone is one of the most inspiring pro-life speakers in the entire world. This ought to be a great program.

1 Comment

  1. I hope that the latest training includes proper indoctrination that aggressive, unprovoked war-making is not “for life.” Fr. Pavone, unfortunately, was a “proud” endorser of the war criminal GW Bush when he ran for reelection.

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