The modernist blasphemy “dogmatic evolutionism” or “reinterpretation of dogma to fit the times”

According to Mgr. Víctor Manuel Fernández, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina:

Some have even claimed that all Church teachings depend and are based on non negotiable principles. This certainly is heresy! To claim that Jesus Christ, his resurrection, fraternal love and all that the Gospel teaches us depends on ethical principles is a distortion of Christianity.


Editor’s note: These are the same type of errors Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are shamelessly promoting in the United States – and the poorly educated, easily misled public is happily, gobbling them right up!

But it’s one thing for cheap, tin-horn politicians to promote falsehoods – and quite another for the priests and hierarchy of the Catholic Church – who are supposed to know better.

Perhaps Mgr. Fernandez no longer believes in Divine Revelation, Sacred and Apostolic Tradition, and the Sacred Deposit of Faith – which are precisely the things on which Catholic ethical principles have always been fashioned?

Or perhaps, these days, to Mgr. Fernandez, there is nothing sacred?

Let’s pray for all those attending the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina – whether or not they still accept that type of thing down there!


  1. I’ll have to just take the editor’s word for this and refrain from further comment. Life—mine, anyway—is just too short for reading any more Russian-novel-length essays by Tom D. I salute his diligence and thoroughness, while questioning the need for—and effectiveness of—his degree of both.

    • Tom D. does go on and on – but, in his defense, there’s presently a lot to go on an on about!


      • He needs no defense from me. I merely comment.

  2. Is there such a thing, as “Dogmatic Evolution?”
    I believe Dogma, is 4/Ever…a little more defined than a Doctrine!

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