Thought for the day: God Entrusted the Blessed Virgin Mary with Jesus, Who Is Our Salvation

I get frequent questions from Christians and others about why Catholics venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary to such a great degree, as if they think there is something wrong with doing so.

While there are numerous, simple and rational arguments for honoring the Mother of God (the first chapter of the Gospel of Saint Luke, not the least of them) it all really comes down to understanding and appreciating the true measure of God’s prudential judgment, providence and grace:

God the Father chose to make the human body of his divine son from the sin-free flesh of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the Virgin’s informed consent, the Holy Spirit proceeded to make it so.

The impeccable, divine human, who we know as Jesus Christ, went on to triumphantly wield his unique, holy, purpose-built, body, blood, soul and divinity as the ultimate weapon against perpetual slavery to Satan, sin and death.

God chose to trust the Blessed Virgin Mary
with Jesus,

who is our salvation.

Mary never failed.

Now that her divine son has assumed Mary – body and soul – into Heaven and enthroned her at his right hand, so she might powerfully rule and reign with him, according to his own promises (which also apply to us) how and/or why would we ever expect her to fail, in even the very least of things?

Would not such a negative attitude reveal a shocking, lack of faith, in God?

Since faith is typically, required for salvation, would not such a lack of faith tend to place our own eternal salvation in jeopardy?

Our trust in Divine Providence, in the power of God’s grace and in God’s tender mercies; the God who loves us and who always keeps his promises; is the reason that Catholics, throughout all the ages, have always respectfully, placed our hopes, prayers and petitions before the throne of God with the loving assistance and care of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Because God did the very same thing,
in regard to his own, divine son.

God did it first.

And it worked!

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