Common man deemed too stupid to comprehend Tiller’s passion for baby killing


The eulogy: ‘Heaven will never be the same’

Larry Borcherding of Overland Park, a fraternity brother and friend of George Tiller’s for more than 50 years, delivered the eulogy at Tiller’s funeral at College Hill United Methodist Church: “For me to have been asked to eulogize George, who was one of the most accomplished communicators, one of the most brilliant minds I have ever known, is truly and honor and, I’ve got to admit, somewhat awesome.”

Borcherding described Tiller as someone who “always put us first,” even when he was experiencing threats to his life and security.

“I’ll not get into any of the current political and media frenzy,” he said. “George’s constant challenges over these last decades have been exemplary of his brave, courageous, passionate and dedicated attitude… most of which the common man can’t even comprehend.