Catholic-Funded Organization Prayed to Demons

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) persistently claims to thoroughly review each grant applicant and that it never provides funds to organizations that act against Catholic moral or social teaching. Most recently, Bp. Timothy Senior, the current chairman of the CCHD subcommittee, told his brother bishops that the reports of the Lepanto Institute on CCHD grants are “unfounded,” and that:

“All of the initiatives that are supported with CCHD funding have undergone a thorough application process, which includes the approval by the local bishop, and the national subcommittee of bishops, and are closely monitored throughout the length of their grant to ensure that the terms of the grant agreement are strictly followed. Catholics can be confident that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development does not fund organizations that violate the moral or social teaching of the Church.”

A few weeks ago, the Lepanto Institute proved that a recent grantee called CUSH collected homosexual pornography with the intent to provide it to children. Then, the Lepanto Institute proved that the CCHD provided grants to Unchained, a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT organization with intimate ties to Marxist entities.

This report will show that if, as Bp. Senior claims, CCHD grantees “have undergone a thorough application process” and are “closely monitored,” then the CCHD must have either knowingly provided a grant to an organization that admitted to praying to demons, or the CCHD did NOT “thoroughly review” the organization as it claims it does. Either way the fact remains: the CCHD provided over $100,000 to an organization actively promoting sexual perversion and praying to demons.

Full story

Editor’s note: It should not be too surprising, albeit no less disgusting, when these things happen, considering the fact that Francis’ Vatican has recently taken a liking to demonic, Pachamama worship and the blessing of homosexual unions.

Shocking video “outs” the billionaires, politicians, organizations and Marxist activists who are promoting the “trans” movement.

Explanation of how the trans-issue
is a Marxist dialectic attack

How the Pritzkers and others are using their billions,
along with their political power, to promote it.

(12 minutes 32 seconds)

The Environmentalists’ Police and Welfare States

The statist-environmentalist takeover of American farms is now evident.  It starts with vast subsidies that certain farms receive from the government.  The Environmental Working Group website identifies this farmer welfare, often with large farms receiving the most welfare.

The takeover is also seen with agricultural and conservation easements, where large tax breaks go to groups such as the PEC, the people who donate land into such easements, and even the people who buy property subject to such easements.  These and other government subsidies come with conditions that both slowly and quickly destroy private property rights.  Government squeezes out private interests in property using bribery, corruption of the law, and then police state tactics.

That such tactics are targeted at farms and farming comes with a host of other issues, including government control over our food sources.  For a terrific description of these issues, I recommend Joel Salatin’s Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories From the Local Food Front.  If ObamaCare’s control over our health care system is dangerous, just think what government can do by controlling our food sources.

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Obama’s classic doublethink — the ability to hold “simultaneously two opinions which cancelled (each other) out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them.”

Twice in recent months, the administration has attempted to apply wide-reaching government regulation to religious organizations. And twice it has faced repudiation — first from a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruling and now from outraged citizens in the court of public opinion.

But it is the combined effect and underlying philosophy of these proposals that has so many religious believers concerned. The perception is growing that there is hostility within the Obama administration to the role of religious institutions in American life.

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Editor’s note: Hostility to the role of religious institutions in American life from a bunch of godless Marxist/Leninist sociopaths? Who would have “thunk” it?

The big lie of the Obama HHS debacle: 99% of Catholics use articificial contraception.

by Doug Lawrence

As if it actually mattered, which it does not, even if 100% of Catholic couples, in clear opposition to church teachings, used artificial birth control, there’s no way the numbers could actually add up to anything in the ninetieth percentile.

Relying on the remarkably creative, now you see it, now you don’t, Planned Parenthood/Guttwrencher standard for birth control/abortion statistics, only half of any Catholic couple is likely to be “using” (wearing, deploying, taking, having had surgery, etc.) birth control, at any given time … meaning that at worst, even if every couple employed artificial contraception, the effective number of specific “users” would be no more than 50 percent.

Finally, tens of millions of Catholics in the United States remain totally open to child-birth, rely on NFP, are homosexual, choose not to be sexually active, are too young or too old to conceive … or are just too ugly/ornery (you know who you are) to attract a mate … reducing the possible prevalence of Catholics using artificial contraceptives to no more than about 30 percent. Probably less!

Take that, you band of psycho-sexualized, commie, baby-killing, marxist, socialist-democrat, anti-Catholic Obama-Pelosi-Sebeliites!

About half of Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant dollars went to left wing and anti-Catholic causes in 2011

Applicants for Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) awards must sign a Grant Agreement indicating that they will adhere to Catholic principles.  The CCHD website explains: “Applicant organizations must not participate in or promote activities that contradict the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church and must in no way work against the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ priorities to defend human life and dignity, strengthen family life and the institution of marriage, and foster diversity. For example, applicant organizations that support or promote same-sex marriage, discrimination, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, or punitive measures towards immigrants are not eligible for CCHD funding.”

Despite this new, more rigorous selection procedure, CCHD grants continue to go to organizations – lots of organizations – that DO “participate in or promote activities that contradict the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church” (see CCHD 2011, part 1-3).

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Catholic Campaign for Human Development “all about power, grassroots organizing, and left-wing political influence.”

“When the November 19-20 offering comes around, do not give to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, because almost none of the grantees provide any direct help to people in need of food, shelter, clothing, or medicine. Rather, they are all about power, grassroots organizing, and left-wing political influence.”

Viguerie cited a new report from the American Life League, online at, which found that 14 of the 218 organizations funded by CCHD are directly involved in activities contrary to Catholic teaching by promoting abortion, birth control, homosexuality, or Marxism and an additional 40 organizations are actively involved in coalitions that promote such activities.

Viguerie said this problem was not new and there was an internal effort to revamp the CCHD grant process, but the situation has worsened.

“I’m sorry to report that, rather than reduce the number of grantees involved in left-wing politics and activities contrary to Church teachings, the number has actually increased,” he said.


Eco-feminist theology is here (shudder.)

From the ashes of Liberation Theology, a new, more profound and broader revolution has been born: eco-feminist theology. This new theology is the subject of a 200-page book titled, From Liberation Theology to the New Eco-feminist Theology. It is written by Juan Antonio Montes Varas and was just published by Chile’s Acción Familia organization.

This new theology joins together the Marxist concept of the “oppressed” with radical feminist demands and the so-called “deep ecology.” According to this doctrine, women should “raise their awareness” of the abuse they have suffered because of the subordination that Christianity imposed on them, and as a consequence, they should see abortion and homosexual relations as part and parcel of the “rights” they must advocate.


Obama the Destroyer

By now, I assume everyone who isn’t comatose has heard about the Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA’s economic stability from AAA to AA+. Despite the White House feverishly working to spin the news for we-the-proletariat — and hinting that ‘it really means nothing’ — I suspect there is much celebrating going on behind the scenes. Since ratings were established, this is the first time in History that the United States of America has been downgraded. This is unprecedented in our history. Therefore, Obama is partying hardier than ever. After his Chicago $35,000 per plate birthday bash extravaganza — largely on the US taxpayer — his latest fundraiser planned for next Thursday in New York is designed to bring in $71,600 per plate. And all of this is transpiring while he is on a bus tour — we believe illegally on the US taxpayer — campaign for 2012. Note: As our leftist courts and supplicant US Congress support his every move, no one does anything about Obama’s increasingly criminal behaviors.

The reality is that in order to establish a Marxist-Leninist or Marxist-Mao Utopian parasitic government to destroy the middle-class (who will then in their newly-imposed slavery support the elites) the host country must be utterly destroyed. Said country can then be rebuilt (i.e. “transformed”) into the image of “The One” or The Ones.” In this, I suspect Obama has far exceeded his own training and his Master’s timeframe with what he has wrought upon OUR country…and the world. Truly, he is the first leader (make that “non-leader”) of his type.

Obama is a destroyer par excellence and may, in the end and assuming we do not rid ourselves of him, end up surpassing even Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin or Mao Zedong. We know he is already brimming with pride over his accomplishments, as we see it in his growing smile — one that is beginning to oddly resemble a Narcissistic and condescending sneer as his eyes become even more sinister.

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What’s in those cookies? Girl Scouts of America co-opted by radical feminists.

We are two teenagers that were involved in Girl Scouts for eight years. We parted ways with the organization when we discovered that they have a pro-abortion mindset. We refuse to remain silent while this organization’s unscrupulous principles mislead over 2 million girls in the United States alone. We created in order to spread the truth to others who have no idea what GSUSA’s true intentions are. This website is our way to speak now and we hope it encourages you to do the same!

Visit the Speak Now Girl Scouts website

Cardinal Pell Says Green Party Like Watermelons: Green Outside, Red Inside

By Kathleen Gilbert

SYDNEY, August 11, 2010 ( – A row has erupted after Cardinal George Pell of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia criticized the Green Party, which supports abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex “marriage,” as “sweet camouflaged poison” that represents an “anti-Christian” point of view. The archdiocese stood strongly by the comments after Green leader Robert Brown implied that Pell lied about the party’s position, and claimed to be more in touch with Catholic and Christian sentiment than the Cardinal.

When asked by young adults about how to vote in the upcoming elections, Pell recounted in a column Sunday that he did not endorse a specific party but encouraged his audience “to examine the policies of the Greens on their website and judge for themselves how thoroughly anti-Christian they are.”

The prelate also pointed out that Green leader Robert Brown helped author a book in which it was claimed that “humans are simply another smarter animal, so that humans and animals are on the same or similar levels depending on their level of consciousness.” The book was coauthored by Princeton University philosopher Peter Singer, a notorious supporter of infanticide and euthanasia.

“This Green ethic is designed to replace Judaeo-Christianity,” Pell warned.

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Twenty minutes worth of video that just might change your life!

Michael Voris from in a 4-part (roughly 20 minutes) expose of the world-wide environmental (green) global warming/climate change/junk science movement and how it has been inspired and co-opted by socialists and communists, with the active assistance of many well known religions.

Watch the videos

Submitted by Doria2

Alan Keyes: Nothing Sarah Palin has said or done supports the view that she is pro-life as a matter of justice, law and public policy.

Sarah Palin’s statements and actions are rationally inconsistent with the moral logic of unalienable right which, if true, binds all levels of government and all US public officials to the goal of securing the unalienable rights with which God has endowed our humanity. If we accept her as a pro-life leader we abandon the rational moral basis for the pro-life position. I cannot do this without betraying the principles of liberty, and the will of the Creator God whose authority establishes them as the basis for human justice.

Your rhetoric simply fails to address the facts and reasoning I present. It amounts to saying that she is personally against abortion (about which I have no doubt). But many pro-“abortion rights” politicians say that. The issue before the nation is about law and justice, not personal conviction. Nothing Sarah Palin has said or done supports the view that she is pro-life as a matter of justice, law and public policy. So far as I can tell, she is just a pro-choice politician who turned a laudable personal choice into a seductive, but false pro-life public image. All the choices and statements she has made in her public capacity support this conclusion. If I’m wrong, show me the facts and statements that indicate something beyond the “I’m personally pro-life” position so common among the so-called “pro-choice” promoters of “abortion rights”.

Unless Sarah Palin fundamentally alters the views she has enunciated and acted on up to now, I predict that she will disappoint the hope so many sincerely pro-life people are mistakenly investing in her supposed pro-life stand.  I am sure I will pay a price for saying now what others will only realize when it may be too late. I was excoriated starting in 2004 for calling Obama a hard line Marxist bent on destroying America.  That view is not at all so contemned today as it was when facts and reasoning first convinced me of its truth.  Similarly on account of facts and reasoning I and others insist that Obama cease to withhold evidence bearing on whether or not he satisfies the Constitution’s eligibility requirements for the Office of President of the United States.  For this we are vilified and ridiculed, though many of our fellow Americans now join in this demand.

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Obama’s Creed


“… we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”

You can check the quote for accuracy on the Internet. It’s verifiable. Well, as reader Joan Solms (and conservative activist) says: who are “we”? And what “ideals and a set of values”? What are they?

Here is the closest affirmation I can find of what this 3rd World-indoctrinated mystery man of murky genealogical background really “believes” if in fact belief is the right word. He is really not very smart. He poses often with his forefinger dug into his cheek with a faraway look in his eyes from which we are to deduce he’s an intellectual. He’s decidedly not (take it from me who was the first to interview him on radio after he became a state senator).

Some say he’s a Deist like Thomas Jefferson but the above statement contradicts that. Jefferson who first postulated (in a private letter) the concept of “wall of separation” between church and state first suggested that members of Congress go to church in the Capitol itself. That’s not Obama. His statement above is humanist and intrinsically atheist. His 20-year membership in Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ was no test. How can one sit there for 20 years hearing Wright rave against whitey and believe that’s Christianity? Obama did it because he was a young man on the make and he decided the folks there could be put to good use as volunteers for him. Period. If he ever believed anything Wright said he should not have tossed him aside when the heat came on… because Wright was a detriment.

No, essentially Obama is an atheist clothed in humanist philosophy. His declaration above certifies it.

Read the article at Tom Roeser’s blog

Tom Roeser “On the Obama Style of Duplicity”

Q. I’m intrigued by the way President Obama performs on television. He may lie but he does it so convincingly he could pass a lie detector test. Is this style something new in politics or what? Take for instance his recent appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

A. Understand, all politicians shade the truth. The greatest advocate for one side of an equation I ever knew was Hubert Humphrey. Reporting for the Associated Press for his first reelection in 1954, I rode (in the back seat of his campaign car) for three weeks, recording fastidiously everything he said on an average of 13 stump speeches a day. But Hubert (of whom I became exceedingly fond-apart from his politics) was confident that he could make his case…faulty as it may be… with unassailable statistics that could not be challenged (his conclusions could be, but not his encyclopedic command of statistics).

The case of Obama, a graduate of the Chicago School of Lying and Deception is far different. The Chicago School borrows from the old Marxist view of truth as refined by two Leftist philosophers, Noam Chomsky-Herbert Marcuse who argued this: truth is not absolute; it can be twisted conveniently to serve the interest of the arguer for “great good” i.e. political victory. In other words the statement “1 plus 1 equals 2” and “snow is white” can be denied if not in the political interest of a “progressive” political advocate. No one employs the Chomsky-Marcuse strategy more than Mayor Richard M. Daley…who has picked it up from his more sophisticated Lefty advisers…although if he were asked who Chomsky and Marcuse are, he’d guess they’re precinct captains in the 50th ward.

Read the whole story

Catholic Church Funding of ACORN: Still going on?


While Obama has strong ties to ACORN, they were originally established through the U.S. Catholic Church, which has also funded ACORN and similar organizations to the tune of millions of dollars

. This is another taboo topic for most of the media.  Even conservative news organizations are afraid of raising the issue, apparently fearing being tagged with the “anti-Catholic” label.

But the truth has been seeping out in mysterious ways. In a story about Barack Obama’s friendly meeting with the Pope, reporter Josh Gerstein featured information that made it clear that the President’s Catholic connection goes back to his days as a community organizer and that Obama’s associates understand and appreciate this fact.

Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough was quoted as saying that Obama’s work as an organizer on the South Side of Chicago “was funded partly” by the “Catholic Church campaign for human development…” He was referring to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), an annual collection authorized by the U.S. Catholic Bishops which is advertised as a charity to “break the vicious cycle of poverty” but in reality has funded left-wing political organizations such as ACORN to the tune of millions of dollars.

Read the whole story

Why is the President punishing rich people for getting a great education and working hard?


Q: Why is the President punishing rich people for getting a great education and working hard?

A: He’s just following his own Marxist/Leninist/Socialist principles.

The man’s very own definition of sin is doing something that goes against HIS principles.

You wouldn’t want “the messiah” to commit a sin, would you?

Catholic Campaign for Human Development funded Obama-headed group in 1980s


Catholic Campaign for Human Development funded Obama-headed group in 1980s
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama

.- Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s early work as a community organizer has brought to the fore the Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s (CCHD) longstanding support for political organizations accused of promoting radical left-wing politics and distorting Catholic teaching under the pretense of helping the poor.

Over the past several decades, the CCHD has annually directed tens of thousands of dollars to several community organizing groups, including one headed by Obama in the 1980s.

Obama was lead organizer of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago, Stephanie Block reports in a September 28 article in the Wanderer. During Obama’s leadership, the organization received from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development $40,000 in grant money in 1985 and a $33,000 grant in 1986.

Click here for more …

Another related article here