The Noah Movie Review: “Psycho Noah” – plus lots of other strange things


Noah would be amazed:
An underwater family “selfie” taken by yours truly.
Big old wooden, sunken ship in background.

by Doug Lawrence

I just saw the Noah movie, investing $8 for a ticket to the midnight show. Did I like the movie? Not really! Here’s why:

It was for the most part, dark, dreary, apocalyptic, violent and much more of a “stretch” than most people would imagine.

At best, the Noah Movie might claim to be inspired by the biblical story, but there was very, very little actual correspondence between the Bible and the movie. They could have named the movie “Fred” and it would have played just as well – and been lots more believable.

They got a whole lot of biblical things all mixed up and then they threw in a whole bunch of non-biblical things they just “dreamed up”. Some of it was ingenious. Most wasn’t. To say they took liberties with the biblical truth would be a gross understatement.

Probably the worst of it was the portrayal of Noah as a confused, murdering psychopath, much like Jack Nicholson’s character in Stephen King/Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”. Isolation can do that to people … but to Noah … a prophet of God? That was way over the top!

Anthony Hopkins did  a nice job of playing Methuselah and the animal special effects were “cute”.