Seriously misguided Atlantic Magazine writer labels Catholic Rosary devotions and the Catholics who practice them, a clear and present danger

A “Ranger Rosary” popular with armed forces, all around the world

This writer totally fails to fully appreciate the real, substantial difference and authentic purpose between a Catholic who relies on Divine Providence, Truth, Power, Law and Justice, in close cooperation with God’s grace, compared to someone who chooses the utter blasphemy of the world, the flesh and the devil, by subscribing to the insipid, impotent and thoroughly unholy, “Radical Wokeness” of these times.

Or perhaps he does, since he seems to be so very afraid of it?

This man was known to pray the Rosary on a daily basis. By invoking the Holy Spirit before the Polish people, who also were known to regularly pray the Rosary, Saint Pope John Paul II managed to bring down the “Evil Empire” of the old Soviet Union and free all of Eastern Europe from Communism, without a single shot being fired, in anger – something all of the world’s “Greatest Powers” – working together – had never been able to accomplish.

I wonder why no one seems to be invoking the intercessory power
of Saint John Paul II and the Rosary, in the present day,
Russia/Ukraine conflict?

Read the article

For the record: The Rosary is infinitely more powerful, as a weapon, than an AR-15 rifle, but the two operate on entirely different levels.

Further study from Bob Stanley’s “The Catholic Treasure Chest”:

Saint Dominic and the Rosary

‘Wonder not that you have obtained so little fruit by your labors, you have spent them on barren soil, not yet watered with the dew of Divine Grace. When GOD willed to renew the face of the earth, He began by sending down on it the fertilizing rain of the Angelic Salutation. Therefore preach my Psalter composed of 150 Angelic Salutations and 15 Our Fathers, and you will obtain an abundant harvest’. (The original, 15 decade Rosary devotion.)

The Miracle At the Battle of Lepanto

… at dawn on October 7, 1571–as Vatican Archives later revealed–Pope Pius V, accompanied by many faithful, was praying the Rosary in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. From dawn to dusk the prayers continued in Rome as the Christians and the Moslems battled at Lepanto. When it was all over the Moslems had been defeated. Of some 270 Moslem ships, at least 200 were destroyed. The Turks also lost 30,000 men while Christian casualties numbered between 4,000 and 5,000. The Rosary had won a great military victory.

How To Pray the holy Rosary (PDF)

The Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable