‘The Most Potent Moral Force’: A Tribute to Fathers.

The most beautiful name that we can call God is “Father.” Jesus commanded His followers to call God “Our Father” because fatherhood is the cornerstone of families and communities, a relationship that is loving yet challenging.

A father teaches, disciplines, punishes, encourages, praises, inspires. Our culture insults and attacks “patriarchy,” fathers, and masculinity. But today we celebrate true patriarchy, which is not domineering or violent, but strong and virtuous.

One of the major problems affecting America right now is fatherlessness. Children who grow up without fathers active in their lives are more likely to fall behind academically and emotionally, get pregnant out of wedlock, suffer abuse, and struggle in the job market — all of which emphasizes how necessary fathers are. I am grateful for everything my father and grandfather have done for me. All fathers, whether biological, spiritual, or by affection, play a tremendously important role in society.

I want to share a few quotes about fatherhood, why we must honor fathers, and how impactful fathers have been in the lives of their children:

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