Today’s “Gem” from Bob Stanley’s “The Catholic Treasure Chest”: Decline of a culture.

From a talk by Fr. Alfred McBride
The book of Revelation gives us an outline of the signs of decline and
decay of a culture. See if you can draw any parallels.

And a strong angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone,
and cast it into the sea, saying,
“With this violence will Babylon,
the great city, be overthrown, and will not be found anymore.”
And the sound of harpers and musicians and fluteplayers
and trumpet will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:21-22

(The music stops.)

And no craftsman of any craft will be found in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:22

(Productivity ceases. Individual productivity
reverts to lethargy.)

And sound of millstone will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:22

(Family life disintegrates.)

And the light of the lamp will not shine in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:23

(The lights go out. Truth is replaced by lies.
Light becomes dark. See Isaiah 5:20)

And the voice of bridegroom and of the bride
will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:23

(Weddings stop. Living together
without marriage becomes the norm.)

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