Learned Jesuit advises non-Catholics: Don’t marry a Catholic!

(This pamphlet about Holy Matrimony and “mixed marriages” from the 1950’s, provides much “food for thought” plus practical as well as controversial advice.)

A number of years ago I got one of the smartest letters ever written to me.

‘I have just read your pamphlet, Marry Your Own, ran the very feminine script, ‘and I have broken my engagement. ‘ That pleased me, for the pamphlet was written to ward off as far as possible the unhappiness almost inevitable in mixed marriages. But the next sentence jolted me. ‘You see, I am a Methodist girl and I was engaged to marry a Catholic man. After reading your pamphlet, I was sure that I could not be happy married to a Catholic, so I have broken the engagement, and I am now going out to find me a fine young Methodist boy and marry him.’

My answer was brief and most sincere:

‘My dear young lady, I most heartily congratulate you. You have good sense. I take it for granted that you are a sincere Methodist. In that case, find yourself a Methodist and marry him.’

But I could have changed that advice to suit the type of religion: ‘If you are a Baptist, marry a Baptist; if you are a Unitarian marry a Unitarian; if you are Jewish, by all means marry a Jewish partner; if you are a Christian Scientist, marry a Christian Scientist; if you are an unbeliever, find yourself another unbeliever; and if you are an atheist, marry an atheist and practice your lack of religion together.’

There’s much more to read, if you dare

1 Comment

  1. Yet more evidence–as though more were needed–of how far matters of Faith have been turned on their heads! Conversions? Meh!!

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