In this season of joy, some profound insights into the value of suffering


Saint Pope John Paul II
– All of those who suffer, especially the innocent, may feel themselves called to participate in the work of redemption, carried out through the cross
– The suffering of the innocent is especially valuable in the eyes of the Lord
– Even when the darkness is deepest, faith points to a trusting acknowledgment: ‘I know that you can do all things’

Sacred Scripture
– Is it not logical that we accept suffering?
– Taking up the cross is the obligation of whoever follows Jesus
– The sufferings of Christ are a cause of rejoicing
– The future glory surpasses all suffering

Saint Thomas Aquinas
– Death and all consequent bodily defects are punishments of original sin

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
– Original sin subjected all human nature to suffering
– Sufferings: a means of cooperating with God
– Means of purification and of salvation
– From the greatest of all moral evils God has brought forth the greatest of all goods

Catechism of the Catholic Church
– A new meaning for suffering – participation in the saving work of Jesus
– Makes a person more mature, helping to discern what is not essential

Saint John Chrysostom
– The remedy against pride; the power of God in weak men

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Only one reason to be pro-life: It is WRONG to kill an innocent human being.

We are in the movement for one reason alone: it is wrong to kill an innocent human being.

American pro-life educator Scott Klusendorf, who spends his time flying around North America teaching young activists how to make a reasonable case for the pro-life position, has put it as a syllogism:

Proposition 1: It is wrong to kill innocent human beings.

Proposition 2: An innocent human being is killed by abortion.

Conclusion: Therefore abortion is wrong.

I have summed it up in a single sentence: “You can’t kill people to solve your problems.” But this simple thing, that we all take for granted, is something that almost no one out there in the general run of secular life ever hears.


Peaceful Pro-Lifer Unjustly Sentenced To 30 Days


February 20th, 2009
Oakland, CA – Rev. Walter Hoye was sentenced Thursday to 30 days in jail and fined $1,130 for unlawfully approaching women outside an Oakland abortion clinic even though evidence showed that he was innocent of the charges. He was ordered to stay away from the abortion clinic. Judge Hing told Rev. Hoye that he is allowed to serve the 30 days in alternative program, such as community service. The Life Legal Defense Foundation, which is representing Rev. Hoye, promises to appeal.
“This is an unjust sentence for an unjust conviction that cannot be allowed to stand,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We stand behind Rev. Hoye one hundred per cent and pray for his speedy exoneration on appeal.”
In May of last year, Rev. Hoye challenged the constitutionality of a city “bubble zone” ordinance by filing a civil suit in Federal Court alleging it violated free speech rights and illegally discriminated against speech based on content. The ordinance bans people from coming within 8 feet of women entering abortion clinics.
Twelve days later, Rev. Hoye was arrested for violating that law. During the trial, secret video produced by clinic workers, known as “escorts,” not only showed that Rev. Hoye was innocent of the charges, but showed evidence that clinic escorts harassed him.
Rev. Hoye is an African-American who feels called to offer help to women outside abortion clinics and draw attention to the devastating impact abortion has had on the African-American community, which is disproportionately targeted by the abortion industry. He simply carries a sign that reads, “Jesus loves you and your baby. Let us help you.”
“Every American should be alarmed by Rev. Hoye’s conviction on this unconstitutional ordinance,” said Newman. “When one man’s rights are abused, it undermines everyone’s liberty.
“We thank God for Rev. Hoye’s courage and faith in the face of persecution, and pray that this case will call attention to the extent to which the abortion lobby will go to silence opposition to abortion, and prevent women from receiving the love and help that might lead them to keep their babies.”

More,  from the California Catholic Daily News