Father Z assures us that nearly every other priest is NOT some sort of deviant.

Some pundits would have you believe that nearly every other priest is some sort of deviant. That’s simply not true. Are there deviant and weird priests? Of course there are. The Church has been systematically infiltrated. Again, the Enemy is really good at being an Enemy. That said, even the wickedest, weirdest, or most wearisome priest confects the Eucharist and absolves your sins. Father gives you the creeps? Even disgusting leeches and maggots have their salutary use in medicine. Sometimes they are all you’ve got. And then they are a blessing.

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Editor’s note: The bottom line is “God’s grace is sufficient.” Rely on that marvelous grace to overcome adversity of all kinds, while continuing to fully participate in all of the work, worship, sacraments and devotions of the Holy Catholic Church.

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