Pope (perhaps unwittingly) defines the main reason for the failures of the compromised post-Vatican II Church


“Hypocrisy is the very language of corruption. And when Jesus speaks to his disciples, he says: ‘let your language be,’ Yes, yes! No, no ‘. Hypocrisy is not a language of truth, because the truth is never given alone. Never! It is always given with love! There is no truth without love. Love is the first truth. If there is no love, there is no truth. They want a truth enslaved to their interests. There is a love, of sorts: it is love of self, love for oneself. That narcissist idolatry that leads them to betray others, that leads them to abuse of trust. “

Pope Francis continued, what looks like a “persuasive language,” instead leads to “errors, to lies.” Then with a hint of irony, he noted that those who now approached Jesus and “seem so amiable in their language, are the same people who will go to fetch him on Thursday evening in the Garden of Olives, and will bring him to Pilate on Friday.” Instead, Jesus asks exactly the opposite of those who follow him, a language of “yes is yes, no is no,” a “language of truth and love”


Cardinal Kasper admits many Vatican II documents were “compromised”

Editor’s note: Fifty years of bad catechesis, corruption and abuse – simply because the leaders of the Catholic Church couldn’t keep from playing politics with God’s honest truth.


  1. So much of this sounds discouragingly like: “I am outraged by this behavior. This is not what our administration is about. Believe me, those responsible will be brought to justice.”

    And, at that point, the promotions and golden retirements of the latter commence, and the misdirections and lies double down.


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