Human history and God


Report finds over half of Jesuit universities promoted ‘Pride Month’

CV NEWS FEED // Over half of Jesuit universities in the US promoted “pride month” this year, despite their claim to historic Catholic identities according to a June 20 College Fix report.

“In total, 15 of the 27 American Jesuit universities posted [pro-LGBT messages] on their main X, Instagram, and/or Facebook pages,” the College Fix reported.

The College Fix also noted that several universities they analyzed for the report did not promote the agenda on their main social media pages, but did actively host LGBT events.

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Today’s “how to”

Spiritual Sloth: They measure Him by themselves, and not themselves by Him.

They also find it wearisome to obey when they are commanded to do that which they like not; and because they walk in the way of consolation and spiritual sweetness, they are too weak for the rough trials of perfection.

They are like persons delicately nurtured who avoid with heavy hearts all that is hard and rugged, and are offended at the Cross wherein the joys of the spirit consist.

The more spiritual the work they have to do, the more irksome do they feel it to be. And because they insist on having their own way and will in spiritual things, they enter on the “strait way that leadeth unto life,” of which Christ speaks, with repugnance and heaviness of heart.

Read more about Spiritual Sloth

Msgr. Charles Pope on homosexuality: A clear teaching in a confused age.

Dear Parishioners,

In recent years, homosexuality has been frequently in the news. An increasingly nationwide effort to give recognition to so-called gay “marriage,” is only the latest matter to receive a lot of attention.

Prior to this, the Episcopalian denomination ordained as a bishop a man who openly practices homosexual behavior. This action has divided the Episcopalian denomination in two.

Prior to this, the last fifteen years have also seen the Episcopalian and other Protestant denominations liturgically celebrate gay “marriages” and unions. This too has caused great divisions in those denominations.

Even among the Catholic faithful, mistaken notions about homosexuality and marriage have taken hold.

Hence, it is necessary once again to teach on this matter, and reassert what Scripture plainly teaches.

Now the fact is, the Scriptures are very clear by unambiguously, and in an uncompromising way, depicting homosexual activity as a serious sin and a moral disorder.

Attempts by some to reinterpret scripture to mean something else are fanciful, at best, and usually use theories that require twisted logic, and questionable historical views that set aside the very plain meaning of the texts.

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What Does the Catholic Church (Officially) Teach about Origins and Evolution?


· God created everything “in its whole substance” from nothing (ex nihilo) in the beginning.
(Lateran IV; Vatican Council I)

· Genesis does not contain purified myths. (Pontifical Biblical Commission 1909)

· Genesis contains real history—it gives an account of things that really happened. (Pius XII)

· Adam and Eve were real human beings—the first parents of all mankind. (Pius XII)

· Polygenism (many “first parents”) contradicts Scripture and Tradition and is condemned. (Pius XII; 1994 Catechism, 360, footnote 226:  Tobit 8:6—the “one ancestor” referred to in this Catechism could only be Adam.)

· The “beginning” of the world included the creation of all things,
the creation of Adam and Eve and the Fall
(Jesus Christ [Mark 10:6]; Pope Innocent III; Blessed Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus).

· The body of Eve was specially created from a portion of Adam’s body (Leo XIII).  She could not have originated via evolution.

· Various senses are employed in the Bible,  but  the  literal  obvious sense must  be believed unless reason dictates or necessity requires (Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus).

· Adam and Eve were  created upon an earthly paradise  and would not  have known death if they had remained obedient (Pius XII).

· After their disobedience of God, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. But the Second Person of the Trinity would subsequently pay the ransom for fallen man (Nicene Creed).

· Original Sin is a flawed condition inherited from Adam and Eve (Council of Trent).

· The Universe suffers in travail ever since the sin of disobedience by Adam and Eve.
(Romans 8, Vatican Council I).

· We must believe any interpretation of Scripture that the Fathers taught unanimously on a matter of faith or morals (Council of Trent and Vatican Council I).

· All the Fathers who wrote on the subject believed that the Creation days were no longer than 24-hour-days.
(Consensus of the Fathers of the Church)

· The work of Creation was finished by the close of Day Six, and nothing completely new has since been created—except for each human rational soul at conception (Vatican Council I)

· St. Peter and Christ Himself in the New Testament confirmed the global Flood of Noah. It covered all the then high mountains and destroyed all land dwelling creatures except eight human beings and all kinds of non-human creatures aboard the Ark (Unam Sanctam, 1302)

· The historical existence of Noah’s Ark is regarded as most important in typology, as central to Redemption. (1566 Catechism of the Council of Trent)

· Evolution must not be taught as fact, but instead the pros and cons of evolution must be taught.
(Pius XII, Humani Generis)

· Investigation into human “evolution” was allowed in 1950, but Pope Pius XII feared that an acceptance of evolutionism might adversely affect doctrinal beliefs.

The Pontifical Biblical Commission issued a decision more than a century ago titled “Concerning the Historical Nature of the First Three Chapters of Genesis” (1909)

It is worth reading:

The first three chapters of Genesis contain narratives of real events, no myths, no mere allegories or symbols of religious truths and no legends.

In regard to those facts, which touch the foundations of the Christian religion, the literal historical sense is to be adhered to. Such facts are, inter alia [among other things], the creation of all things by God in the beginning of time and the special creation of humanity.

It is not necessary to understand all individual words and sentences in the literal sense.

Passages that are variously interpreted by the Fathers and by theologians may be interpreted according to one’s own judgment with the reservation, however, that one submits one’s judgment to the decision of the Church and to the dictates of the faith.

As the sacred writer had not the intention of representing with scientific accuracy the intrinsic constitution of things and the sequence of the works of creation, but of communicating knowledge in a popular way suitable to the idiom and to the pre-scientific development of his time, the account is not to be regarded or measured as if it were couched in language that is strictly scientific.

The word “day” need not be taken in the literal sense of a natural day of 24 hours, but can also be understood in the improper sense of a longer space of time.

So there it is: Genesis is real, but not a science text.

God created all things, and humans special.

We may judge carefully on our own, as long as we remain faithful to the magisterium, should a decree on evolution ever be issued — and there will no such decree as long as the answers are ambiguous.

Full article

Editor’s note: Bold and italic emphasis, mine.

Vatican II, the most avoidable disaster in the life of the Church.

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Those “pesky” Ten Commandments no longer “operate” the way that many/most people tend to believe.

Read the full article:
How the Old Law Was Fulfilled
and Set Aside By Jesus Christ
in favor of his grace empowered Catholic Church

Priest: The Bergoglio pontificate has been a single war against the Church that has left a trail of devastation in its wake.

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The largest donation to Catholic schools ($150 Million) in US history

Catholic schools within the Diocese of Gary, Indiana, will be the benefactors of the largest single donation to Catholic educational institutions in US history. The Dean and Barbara White Family Foundation, a non-profit that works in Northwestern Indiana areas, has pledged $150 million over the next 10 years.

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Morality Will Be Taught

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Acts 4:7  And setting them in the midst, they asked: By what power or by what name, have you done this? 

Today’s “Gem” from Bob Stanley’s “The Catholic Treasure Chest”: Decline of a culture.

From a talk by Fr. Alfred McBride
The book of Revelation gives us an outline of the signs of decline and
decay of a culture. See if you can draw any parallels.

And a strong angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone,
and cast it into the sea, saying,
“With this violence will Babylon,
the great city, be overthrown, and will not be found anymore.”
And the sound of harpers and musicians and fluteplayers
and trumpet will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:21-22

(The music stops.)

And no craftsman of any craft will be found in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:22

(Productivity ceases. Individual productivity
reverts to lethargy.)

And sound of millstone will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:22

(Family life disintegrates.)

And the light of the lamp will not shine in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:23

(The lights go out. Truth is replaced by lies.
Light becomes dark. See Isaiah 5:20)

And the voice of bridegroom and of the bride
will not be heard in thee anymore.
Revelation 18:23

(Weddings stop. Living together
without marriage becomes the norm.)

Read more

Go to Bob Stanley’s “The Catholic Treasure Chest”

Reasons to display a crucifix in your home.

“Misinformation” – a popular liberal buzzword for any narrative the left doesn’t like.

Mr. Malicious: The Nasty Guy Behind The Ladies Of The View

Archbishop Viganò issues press release about his upcoming Vatican trial for schism.

I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who manifests an absolutely tyrannical management of power, exercised against the purpose that legitimizes Authority in the Church: an authority that is vicarious of that of Christ, and as such must obey Him alone. This separation of the Papacy from its legitimizing principle, which is Christ the High Priest, transforms the ministerium into a self-referential tyranny.

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Ann Barnhardt handily “sums up” the 2nd Vatican Council

Vatican II was validly convoked, and the original schema were fantastic: namely the denunciation of global Communism and the declaration of The Blessed Virgin as Co-redemptrix (her “yes” undid Eve’s “no”) and Mediatrix of all graces, thus bookending Vatican I and the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception.

But the original schema were scrapped by modernist bishops in the opening hours of the Council, and the rest is history: the near-total implosion of the Catholic Church in the West almost overnight in historical terms.

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Exorcist: Using a demonic “channel” only further bonds the user to the Dark World. And whatever you get from such an evil channel is never good.

Many mediums, spiritualists and occultists
claim to have insight into the spiritual world.
Some of them actually do, but unfortunately
it typically comes through the workings of demons.

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