4th century Pentecost miracle: Fire in the sky over Jerusalem unifies Christians and Pagans alike, in holy terror.

It was called by the people “the day the sky caught fire.” At about 9 in the morning on May 7, 351, the feast of the Pentecost, the people of Jerusalem gathered in the streets, pointing to the sky in frightened shock. Tongues of flame were roaring across the horizon forming a gigantic blazing Cross in the sky. The apparition, “brighter than the sun,” extended from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives – about two miles – and was seen by everyone in Jerusalem. It remained extended over the city for several hours.

Many people fell to their knees, beseeching God to spare them from annihilation. Others went to the Churches to pray and ask forgiveness for their sins. But one man, the newly elected Patriarch of Jerusalem Cyril (315-386) bowed his head and gave thanks to God for this blazing sign from Heaven.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe: Led directly to the largest mass conversion in the history of the world!


Read the miraculous, true story of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Submitted by Bob Stanley

A true story about the Miraculous Medal, a prison apparition and the amazing conversion of lost souls.


Read the amazing story

Thanks to Marcus Allen Steele

4th century Pentecost miracle: Fire in the sky over Jerusalem unifies Christians and Pagans alike, in holy terror.

It was called by the people “the day the sky caught fire.” At about 9 in the morning on May 7, 351, the feast of the Pentecost, the people of Jerusalem gathered in the streets, pointing to the sky in frightened shock. Tongues of flame were roaring across the horizon forming a gigantic blazing Cross in the sky. The apparition, “brighter than the sun,” extended from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives – about two miles – and was seen by everyone in Jerusalem. It remained extended over the city for several hours.

Many people fell to their knees, beseeching God to spare them from annihilation. Others went to the Churches to pray and ask forgiveness for their sins. But one man, the newly elected Patriarch of Jerusalem Cyril (315-386) bowed his head and gave thanks to God for this blazing sign from Heaven.

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This Week’s Ask Alice: The third secret of Fatima.

Send A Question To Alice

She’ll answer your Catholic questions
right here, every Thursday.

Email responses will also be provided, as time permits.

*** Alice is out this week. Doug Lawrence is sitting in. ***

Norma Asks: What is the third secret of Fatima?

Doug Lawrence Answers: The 1917 public apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Fatima, Portugal, contained a number of prophetic messages for the people of the 20th century, dealing with certain urgent and critical matters of faith and morals, war and peace, repentance and conversion, the state of modern society, and the future of the church.

Among the the messages delivered by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three young seers, were three “secrets”.

Two of the seers soon died, with only Sister Lucia Santos surviving. Sister Lucia wrote and delivered the messages (secrets) to the then-current pope.

Two of the secrets were soon revealed and widely disseminated. The third was deliberately withheld, for unspecified reasons, by several successive popes, even though, as Sister Lucia had maintained, the Blessed Virgin Mary intended the third secret to be revealed no later than the early 1960’s.

When the third secret was not revealed on time,
a number of  “conspiracy theories” soon arose,
some of which still exist, today.

In April of 2001 (about 40 years “late”) Pope John Paul II finally got around to making the third secret public, as well as offering his own opinion (as well as that of then Cardinal Ratzinger) on what the secret may have actually meant to the church.

By that time, many Catholics (particularly traditionalists) were thoroughly dissatisfied with how the matter had been handled. Some even had concerns about the authenticity of the documents.

This link will take you to the official Vatican document which details the third secret, and explains one possible meaning, according to Pope John Paul II and our present Pope Benedict XVI.

The Fatima Apparitions are probably the most significant events of their kind, in modern times. And while the church has officially approved the authenticity of the apparitions, Fatima remains classified as a “private revelation” … which no Catholic is required to accept, on faith … unless they choose to do so.

Whether or not you believe the “official version” of the third secret, as published by the Vatican, and whether or not you agree with the official Vatican “take” on it … is also totally up to you.

It’s not dogma.

Watch a video on the Fatima Apparitions and the message for our times

Click here to see all of Alice’s other columns

The story behind the Miraculous Medal: “God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the graces to bear it…”

In 1830, Catherine Labouré was blessed with the apparitions of Mary Immaculate to which we owe the Miraculous Medal, the feast of which is this Saturday.  The first apparition came on the eve of the feast of St. Vincent DePaul, July 19. The mother superior had given each of the novices a piece of cloth from the holy founder’s surplice. Because of her extreme love, Catherine split her piece down the middle, swallowing half and placing the rest in her prayer book. She earnestly prayed to St. Vincent that she might, with her own eyes, see the Mother of God.

And so it happened, as she recounted in her own words: “About half-past eleven, I heard someone call my name. I looked in the direction of the voice and I drew the curtain. I saw a child of four or five years old dressed in white who said to me: ‘Come to the Chapel.  The Blessed Virgin is waiting for you.’ Immediately the thought came to me that I will be heard. The child replied, ‘Be calm, it is half-past eleven, everyone is asleep. Come, I am waiting for you.’ I hurriedly dressed and went to the side of the child. I followed him wherever he went. The lights were lit everywhere.

“When we reached the chapel, the door opened as soon as the child touched it with the tip of his finger. The candles were burning as at Midnight Mass. However, I did not see the Blessed Virgin. The child led me to the sanctuary and I knelt down there. Towards midnight, the child said: ‘Here is the Blessed Virgin.’  I heard a noise like a rustle of a silk dress…a very beautiful lady, in a blaze of glory, sat down in Father’s Director’s chair. The child repeated in a strong voice:  ‘Here is the Blessed Virgin.’ Then I flung myself at her feet on the steps of the altar and put my hands on her knees.

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October 13 is the 93rd anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun that occurred in Fatima, Portugal in 1917

Read about the most significant apparition of the 20th century,
that was witnessed by tens of thousands of Catholics, as well as numerous atheists and unbelievers, of which photos, eye-witness testimony, and various contemporary newspaper accounts, still exist.

More …

The Apparition of The Blessed Virgin Mary at La Salette

Near this little fountain the two children lay down on the grass and fell asleep. How long their slumber lasted is not certain – half an hour perhaps, or three quarters of an hour or possibly more. In any case Melanie suddenly awoke and called Maximin: “Memin, Memin, let us go and find our cows, I cannot see them anywhere.”

Of course, being at the bottom of the little ravine, they could not see the meadow where they had left them. Quickly they climbed the slope opposite Mount Gargas (hence they were standing on what is now the esplanade in front of the basilica). Turning around they could view the entire alpine pasture land and were greatly relieved to see that their cows had remained where they had been left, peaceably chewing the cud. Reassured, Melanie began to redescend towards the dried-up fountain to recover her little sack of provisions before once again watering the cows. Half-way down the grassy slope she paused immobilized, frozen with fear. “Memin”, she called out, “look at that great light over there”. “Where is it?”, the boy replied, as he ran and stood at her side. (At the place of the Apparition two statues represent the children on the slope of the ravine, in the firststage of the Event.)

At the very spot where they had slept was a globe of fire, as if, in the children’s words, “the sun had fallen there” . The light swirled, then grew in size and, opening, disclosed within it a woman, seated, her head in her hands, her elbows on her knees, in the attitude of one oppressed with grief.

Melanie, in her fright, raised her hands and dropped her shepherd’s staff. Maximin thought only of defending himself. “Keep your stick” , he said to her, “I will keep mine and will give it a good whack if it does anything to us” …Even after she conversed with them, the children could not identify their heavenly Visitor. They would simply call her ” the Beautiful Lady”.

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Marian apparition fortold greatest U.S. fire disaster, provided solace and safety for faithful.

Our Lady of Good Help

The fire was so intense it sent cinders several miles over the waters of Green Bay and burned parts of the Door Peninsula.

A witness named Edward J. Hall of nearby Oconto recalled to a historical site: "Balls of fire were observed to fall like meteors in different parts of the town [Peshtigo], igniting whatever they came in contact with.

By this time the whole population was thoroughly aroused and alarmed, panic-stricken. A brilliant and fearful glare grew suddenly into sight. Man and women snatched their children and ran for the river.

"Inhaling the burning air, hundreds dropped within sight of the river while many fell within a few feet of the river. Those who reached the river throw water and wet cloths on their heads, and even kept under water as much as they could, and yet were burned to death."

Some of those who sought refuge in ponds or wells boiled to death.

Remarkably -- miraculously -- Adele, who was in the heart of it, escaped. Seeking refuge in the chapel, she and other farmers, nuns, and companions made the dash there as fire raged in every direction.

"Awe-stricken, they thronged the chapel ground," says the history. "Already, the chapel was filled with terror-stricken people, beseeching the Mother of God to spare them, many wailing aloud in their fright.

"Filled with confidence, they entered the chapel, reverently raised the statue of Mary, and kneeling, bore it in procession around their beloved sanctuary.

"When wind and fire exposed them to suffocation, they turned in another direction, and continued to hope and pray, saying the Rosary.

After hours of horror and suspense, Heaven sent relief by way of a downpour. The fire was extinguished. When they looked out the next morning, everything was destroyed. There was literally desolation for miles.

"But the convent, school, chapel, and the five acres of land consecrated to the Virgin Mary shone like an emerald isle in a sea of ashes," notes the pamphlet. "The raging fire licked the outside palings and left charred scars as mementos. Tongues of fire had reached the chapel fence, and threatened destruction to all within its confines -- but the fire had not entered the chapel ground."

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Shrine website

Jesus apparition in Nigeria deemed a political endorsement. (Wait until Obama sees this!)

Meanwhile, the miraculous appearance of Jesus Christ in Benin City yesterday have been described as a good Omen and an indication that better things are coming to Edo State.

The Director, Edo State Poverty Alleviation Agency, Chief (Mrs.) Evelyn Igbafe who stated this is a chat with The NIGERIAN OBSERVER in Benin City yesterday, remarked that the appearance of Jesus Christ in the state was an affirmation that the present governor of the state, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole was God -sent.

Chief Igbafe pointed out that she was convinced that God Almighty has seen the good work Governor Oshiomole is doing in the state, adding, that this must have informed the miraculous appearance of Jesus Christ in the state capital.

The state Director of Poverty Alleviation Agency who said she personally went to St. Paul, Catholic Church along Airport Road in Benin City to see things for herself, remarked that she was amazed stressing that “it was a miracle.”

Chief Igbafe noted that she was marveled that Jesus Christ appeared along Airport Road where the governor was carrying out solid road construction project.

In her words, “the most wonderful part of it is that he appeared along Airport Road where the governor is constructing a very solid road with drainages.” She noted that Oshiomhole is God-send to the state.


Reflection or Apparition? Intriguing photo of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Just a reflection? Mrs. Feargus OCroinin of Edmonton, Alberta
took this photo at the Vatican on July 25.

Close-up view

Link to Spirit Daily

Fatima: The Message and the Miracle – Remarkable eye witness testimony that still holds up, today.

…And then the Miracle began. We recount here the testimony of a reporter who cannot possibly be accused of partiality in this matter and for a good reason! We refer to Avelino de Almeida, the chief editor of O Seculo, the large “liberal” anticlerical and Masonic daily newspaper of Lisbon. He writes:

From the road, where the carriages were crowded together and where hundreds of persons had stayed for want of sufficient courage to advance across the muddy ground, we saw the huge crowd turn towards the sun which appeared at its zenith, clear of the clouds. It resembled a disc of silver, and it was possible to stare at it without the least discomfort. It did not burn the eyes. It did not blind. We would say that it produced an eclipse. Then a tremendous cry rang out, and the crowd nearest us were heard to shout: “Miracle! Miracle! … Marvel! … Marvel!” Before the dazzled eyes of the people, whose attitude transported us to biblical times, and who, dumbfounded, heads uncovered, contemplated the blue of the sky, the sun trembled, it made strange and abrupt movements, outside of all cosmic laws, “the sun danced”, according to the typical expression of the peasants …7

Attacked violently by all the anticlerical press, Avelino de Almeida renewed his testimony, fifteen days later, in his review, Ilustração Portuguesa. This time he illustrated his account with a dozen photographs of the huge ecstatic crowd, and repeated as a refrain throughout his article: “I saw … I saw … I saw.” And he concluded fortuitously: “Miracle, as the people shouted? Natural phenomenon, as the experts say? For the moment, that does not concern me, I am only saying what I saw… The rest is a matter for Science and the Church.”8

Read the whole amazing story


Wooden carving-1326 A.D.-Spain/Tilma- 1531 A.D.-Mexico

[adapted from Michael H. Brown’s  The Last  Secret]

In the hilly terrain southwest of Madrid, near that river  called Guadalupe, a humble cowherd named Gil Cordero of Cáceres was searching for a lost cow when something very strange happened.

It was 1326. He’d been  searching three days.

Thirsty and fatigued, Cordero headed for the sound of a mountain stream when he spotted the cow motionless on a mound of stones. Figuring the animal dead, Cordero pulled out his knife and  prepared to take the animal’s hide, which he then could sell. As was the custom, he positioned himself, pressed in the knife, and made an incision in the form of  a cross on the cow’s breast. That was when the cow suddenly moved. Not just moved but sprang up on its hooves as if restored to  life. Cordero must have backed away. He was astonished and terrified.

The “dead” animal abruptly standing there!

At the same time Cordero spotted something –someone — coming from the woods. His astonishment was ready to surge to a higher magnitude.

It was no normal woman. There were no normal women out here. It was a female “of marvelous beauty” who spoke in a kind supernal voice. “Have no fear, for I am the Mother of God, by Whom the human race achieved redemption,” she told the speechless herdsman. “Go to your
home and tell the clergy and other people to come to this place where I appear to you and dig here, where they will find a statue.”

As was her custom she also asked that a chapel be built. Cordero had to have stood there staring. Whether the Virgin left in a flash of light or faded into the backdrop is not in the records.

Once he got hold of himself Cordero turned his attention back to the cow and as instructed headed into Cáceres. There he informed the clergy and anyone else within earshot that the Virgin had appeared out near the Guadalupe and she wanted them to dig for a lost relic. She wanted a chapel.

Looked upon as an uneducated and ignorant peasant, Cordero’s account was immediately mocked and the ridicule left him in a state between depression and desperation.

“Friends, do not dismiss these things!” protested the lonely cowherd. “If you will not believe me, then believe the mark the cow bears on her breast!”

Cordero insisted that the Virgin had promised to work many miracles and that people would come from many regions because of her wonders.

Seeing Cordero’s despair and knowing that many images had been hidden during the Arab occupation, which was about to end with a final expulsion, officials in Cáceres relented and paraded with the entire village to the precise spot where the animal had been found. There were knights, noblemen, and priests.

Pushing small boulders and removing stones, they dug into the  earth until the ground collapsed into a small cave. Inside was just what Cordero  promised, a statue along with an ancient bell. There was a document explaining its origin and also the relics of Saint Fulgentius and Saint Florentina.

The statue is what drew the attention. As the document explained, it was the long-lost image of Mary (believed to have been carved by St. Luke) that Pope Gregory the Great had given the bishop of Seville, the one that may have been paraded around Rome in  390, during an outbreak of plague. Moreover, the unstained, oriental wood seemed in perfect condition despite six centuries in the earth. Buried when the Moslems had first attacked, it was now coming out of seclusion at a time when the last Moslem holdouts were being expelled!

A hut was hastily built and a humble altar of stone was mounded. Soon that was replaced by a chapel, the bell melted and mixed with
other metal to form two bells which called the faithful to prayer and were rung during severe storms to preserve the crops. A subsequent
and enlarged shrine was attended by dignitaries from many parts and visited a century later by a devout explorer named Christopher Columbus, who would carry a replica of the statue with him on his voyages and would name an island in the West Indes “Guadalupe,” a name that would also spread to Mexico.

Submitted by Nancy W.

40th Anniversary of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Egypt

Watch the amazing video

Fascinating Presentation on Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Tilma


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The Symbolism in the Image (PDF File)

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Submitted by Bob Stanley