The Tremendous Value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


At the hour of death the Holy, Masses you have heard devoutly,
will be your greatest consolation. Every Mass will go with you
to Judgment and will plead for pardon for you.
By every Mass you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins,
more or less, according to your fervor.

By devoutly assisting at Holy Mass you render the greatest homage
possible to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord. Through the Holy Sacrifice,
Our Lord Jesus Christ supplies for many of our negligences and omissions.

He forgives you all the venial sins which you are
determined to avoid. He forgives you all your unknown sins
which you never confessed.
The power of Satan over you is diminished.

By piously hearing Holy Mass you afford the souls in
purgatory the greatest possible relief; One Holy Mass heard during your life
will be of more benefit to you than many heard for you after your death.

Through the Holy Mass you are preserved from many dangers
and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you.
You shorten your purgatory by every Mass.

During the Holy Mass you kneel amid a multitude of holy
angels, who are present at the Adorable Sacrifice with reverential awe.
Through the Holy Mass you are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

When you hear Holy Mass devoutly offering it to Almighty God
in honor of a particular saint or an angel thanking God for the favors
bestowed; you afford that saint or that angel a new degree of honor,
joy and happiness, and draw his special love and protection upon yourself.

Every time you assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, besides other intentions, you should offer it
in honor of the saint of the day.

When the Priest offers the Host
I place upon the paten my heart:
the hearts of all those near and dear to me,
especially the hearts of my relatives:
the hearts of all those for whom
I have promised to pray:
the hearts of all those who have injured me:
the hearts of all those whom I may have injured:
the hearts of all the agonizing.

O Lord Jesus Christ, when Thou changest the bread and wine
into Thy Precious Body and Blood, change our hearts
into hearts pleasing to Thee.

When the Priest offers the Chalice.
I place within the chalice the souls of all my relatives
for whom I should pray: the souls of those for whom
I may have forgotten to pray,
the souls most devout to the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the souls of the most abandoned.

O Lord Jesus Christ, when Thou changest
the wine into Thy Precious Blood change these poor souls
from their place of suffering unto eternal happiness.

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord
and let the perpetual light shine upon them.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel! Fruitful vine!
Splendor of Heaven! Blessed Mother of the Son of God!
Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity!
O Star of the Sea, help me, and show me herein thou art my Mother!
O Holy Mary Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart,
to succor me in this necessity there are none
that can withstand thy power.

O show me herein thou art my Mother!
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)
Sweet Mother I place this cause in thy hands. (3 times)

Link (PDF)


What you lose when you pass up Holy Communion

Gosnell infanticide/murder trial revelations shedding too much light on Obama’s own sordid abortion record.

Obama was slated to speak at Planned Parenthood’s fundraising gala on Thursday night and with the Kermit Gosnell trial capturing national attention there was significant backlash. Obama has thus far refused to comment on the trial — despite the fact that he has commented on other trials in progress previously.

The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List responded to the news that President Obama is backing out of the keynote address at Planned Parenthood’s annual fundraising dinner, saying he is running away from the abortion giant:

“Planned Parenthood last week admitted to knowing about the horrors going on inside Kermit Gosnell’s squalid Philadelphia clinic, but chose not to exercise its position as the leader in the abortion industry to put an end to the butchering of women and children. No matter the reason for his backing out, it is certainly a good time to distance oneself from Planned Parenthood. Now is also a good time for President Obama to reconsider his position of forcing taxpayers to fork over more than $542 million each year to this abortion-centered, profit-driven business. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider which in a single year ended the lives of more than 333,000 children,” SBA’s Marjorie Dannenfelser said.


Editor’s note: Faced with revelations such as these, and with his record … President Obama might try to run … but he can’t hide! And neither can his supporters.

Nuns on the Bus (also known as BS on the Bus) leader “answers” Pope Francis … sort of.


From my vantage point (excluded from the halls of power and never consulted before being named as a problem by CDF) it appears to me that these actions continue to be about both church and U.S. politics. Women religious are a soccer ball between competing church departments. None of this is really about faith. The Vatican officials continue to say that they like our work when we do direct service, but they do not like our politics when they do not align with some U.S. bishops’ hard right views.

Read more

Editor’s note: It’s not your politics, sister. It’s your abject heresies and your calling things that you do “Catholic” when they’re often, not even close. The time for political rhetoric is over. If you’re truly Catholic, then conduct your affairs accordingly. If not, the Anglicans have a slot open for you!

Listen to Father Frank Pavone’s inspiring pro-life speech


Watch the 3-minute video

Cardinal O’Malley sounds more and more like a disciple of the late Senator Ted Kennedy

“We must build a civilization of love, or there will be no civilization at all,” said Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley, at a Mass for the repose of the souls of those killed in the Marathon bombing. So far, so good. But then the wheels came off.

Pointing to sources of the “culture of death,” the cardinal mentioned individualism, alienation, abortion, violent films, and video games. He decried the death penalty. And then this:

The inability of the Congress to enact laws that control access to automatic weapons is emblematic of the pathology of our violent culture.

What’s wrong with that statement? Let me count the ways:

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The artificial contraception, same-sex marriage connection: Both are unnatural acts.

What prompted me to radically rethink my laissez-faire approach to contraception was precisely the kind of argumentation then being employed by the militant homosexuals. This was a time when the average person in our society, religious or otherwise, still retained enough culturally inherited sense of the philosophia perennis to recognize that human nature grounds and imposes certainly rationally recognizable norms of morally upright behavior. So the great majority of people forty years ago disapproved of homosexual acts; and, if asked why, most would have responded that such acts were clearly “against nature,” or “unnatural.”

But the gay militants were challenging this position with a highly effective ad hominem retort. It held good for just about all Westerners except Pope Paul VI and his orthodox Catholic followers. “Hey, you folks can’t trot out that argument against our lifestyle! What’s the big deal about something being ‘unnatural’? Using condoms, diaphragms and pills to block conception isn’t ‘natural’ sex either! But you already stopped calling these things immoral at least a generation ago; and now contraceptives even have the U.S. Supreme Court’s stamp of approval since it struck down the Victorian-era Comstock Laws that prohibited their sale and distribution.”


Read more at Matt C. Abbott’s column

There are 800,000 trees planted in Israel that represent the 800,000 Jews saved by the Catholic Church. None have been planted as a tribute to Protestants.

During the war, the New York Times twice said the Church was “a lonely voice crying out of the silence of a continent”; Albert Einstein also singled out the Church during the war. After the war, Golda Meir praised the work of the Church, as did the ADL, the World Jewish Congress, and scores of other Jewish organizations.


A gesture that only his fellow liberals can fully understand

Obama moment of silence

Editor’s note: Silence is totally out of character for the “Campaigner In Chief”. He probably used a “stunt” double for the pic. Still and all, when two of your fellow Muslims get shot up like that, it takes a lot out of you.

James Buchanan: Why is he considered America’s worst president?


Probably because Jimmy Carter has been eclipsed by Barack Obama, whose final term isn’t yet over.

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Pint size NY mayor Bloomberg wants to “let” people practice their religion. Who elected him emperor?


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes that the Boston Marathon bombings have created a unique scenario — one in which traditional interpretations of the U.S. Constitution must change.


Editor’s note: Bloomberg wants to take away our constitutional rights in order to protect our constitutional rights. Kind of like a mother (or a nanny) taking a cherished toy away from a baby, in order to keep it from being broken. Isn’t that special? This guy should run for president, since that’s the only way every American will have a chance to vote against him!

After that, maybe he can run for Pharisee.

If they had taken out a few red light cameras, instead of blowing up scores of innocent people, they might have been hailed as heroes.


By Doug Lawrence

Probably the strangest part of the Boston Marathon Bombing Story is the fact that observant Muslims, all around the world, believe that the bombings were the will of Allah.

It was written … so to speak … since if Allah permits it, then it is his will that it should be. That’s what Muslims understand to be true.

The concept is known as “double predestination” … which means that none of us have free will, and all are mere puppets … some destined for eternal hell fire and some destined for the rewards of paradise … acting out the preordained will of a totally irrational, impersonal and unknowable god.

And … according to Mohammed (pbuh) … there’s not one thing anyone can do about it!

There is no personal guilt. There is no personal responsibility for sin. There is only the requirements of Muslim Sharia Law … which itself is a strangely twisted, regional and cultural derivative of the original Hebrew Mosaic Law.

Muslims also typically don’t understand that attempting to live according to Sharia Law is actually a deadly curse, so it’s no surprise that Muslim terrorists tend to do all the wrong things, for all the wrong reasons … since they obviously have things totally bass-ackwards … and their god wants it to be that way.

Kind of makes you wonder who their god really is.

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (a genuinely pro-life Catholic) for President!

Kansas Gov. Brownback signed sweeping anti-abortion legislation Friday.

The GOP governor is a strong abortion opponent who urged lawmakers to create “a culture of life” after taking office in January 2011.

“All human life is sacred. It’s beautiful,” Brownback said just before signing the measure, flanked by abortion opponents. “With this, we continue to build this culture of life in our state.”

An Associated Press photograph taken before the signing shows a page of notes about the bill on Brownback’s desk that included a handwritten message at the top: “JESUS + Mary.” Further down the page were typewritten notes spelling out Brownback’s belief that the bill would create “a culture of life.”


Editor’s note: A number of years ago, then Kansas Senator Brownback, a recent Catholic convert, addressed Father Frank Pavone’s National Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast, just hours before the commencement of the March For Life, in Washington, DC.

I was there.

Senator Sam from Kansas claimed to be 100% pro-life, yet we all knew that the infamous late term abortionist, George Tiller … was at that very moment likely hard at work back in Wichita, injecting poison into the hearts of late term babies … with the full backing and support of then Governor, Kathleen Sebelius.

Sam certainly had his work cut out for him!

Even though Father Frank knew Sam Brownback and vouched for him, the assembled pro-lifers were rightly skeptical, since they had already been deceived by many, many glad-handed politicians, in so many different ways, over so many years. 

Yet based on these latest developments, it looks as though Governor Brownback is “the real deal” … turning things around for life, in Kansas … albeit with much more tough work to be done.

That’s the type of ongoing conversion story that should inspire many. First … the conversion of a man … a powerful politician, no less … and then, the apparent conversion of much of the formerly pro-abortion Kansas legislature.

God speed, Governor … and the same to all the other good men and women of Kansas, who are working diligently, to turn things around for life!

The battle is far from over.

Topical and Timely New Book – Not Peace but a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam By Robert Spencer


Robert Spencer has written a dozen books on Islam, as well as thousands of pages of commentary on Islamic law, scripture, and tradition, but this may be his most significant book yet because of its potential to alert Christians to a dangerous gap in their knowledge of Islam. Christian leaders are badly in need of a wake-up call about Islam and this is a wake-up call that is hard to ignore. Not Peace but a Sword asks questions about the relationship between Christianity and Islam that few others are asking, even though they are questions that beg for answers.

Read more

The Great and Enduring Heresy of Mohammed (Free Selection)

Happy Earth Day… and Lenin Day


Question: What do Earth Day and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday have in common? Answer: they both reoccur every year on April 22. Coincidence?

How about this? The first Earth Day took place April 22, 1970. The centennial of Lenin’s birth took place April 22, 1970. Needless to say, the Lenin centenary was a huge deal to the communist movement, which goes bonkers over dates and memorials to its icons.

Here are more striking similarities: Vladimir Lenin and the communist and environmental movements all remonstrated against capitalism, profits, corporations, industry, free markets, the West.

Here’s another: When the communist movement imploded in the late 1980s, many of its disciples just happened to join… yep, you guessed it: the environmental movement.

Let’s back up and start from the beginning.

Gun control laws didn’t stop Boston’s terrorist bombers. They never do!


When Pressure Cookers Are Outlawed
Only Outlaws Will Have Pressure Cookers

Of course, gun control zealots respond to this by trotting out one of the silliest arguments they’ve ever presented: rising crime in the wake of tougher gun laws is a result of neighboring states failing to pass equally tough gun laws.  The same malarkey is ladled out whenever the vicious crime rates of a gun-control utopia like Chicago are discussed.  But Jacoby notes that in Massachusetts, as in Chicago, the surrounding areas have substantially lower crime rates.  If there’s any significant migration of armed criminals across state lines, it’s happening because said criminals are eager to ply their trade in “gun-free zones,” where they know tough gun laws have disarmed their prey.

There are calls to avoid politicizing the Boston Marathon atrocity – many of them emanating from people who have every intention of politicizing the hell out of it, but want to keep things quiet until the emotional reaction of the public subsides, in a perfect inversion of the strategy they employed to piggyback unconnected gun-control laws on the Newtown massacre.  The situation in Boston is so obvious that it crosses over the line into simple common sense, rather than politics.  Gun control laws didn’t slow down this pair of terrorist killers.  Their presence in various databases of interest to law enforcement didn’t prompt anyone to keep a close eye on them.  The government isn’t processing the information it already has very well; another gun database, another set of hoops for law-abiding citizens to jump through, will only increase the ratio of determined armed criminals to good citizens who conclude that exercising their Second Amendment rights isn’t worth the hassle.  And of course, the Boston bombers demonstrated that horrifying amounts of carnage can be inflicted without using guns.



No wonder Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was an Obama supporter.

Seen on The American Thinker website. Written by Stella Paul.

I’ve seen Obama’s minions arrest and jail an obscure California film-maker for creating a YouTube video that criticizes Mohammed. Incredibly, I then witnessed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempt to blame the hapless guy for inciting the Benghazi slaughter. How about arresting Obama’s pal George Clooney for bad acting? That would make more sense.

I’ve seen Obama’s UN ambassador hustle to pass UN Resolution 16/18, an “anti-blasphemy law” pushed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to make criticizing Islam an international crime. So if you harsh the mellow of Shariah fanatics by critiquing their child marriages, honor killings, homosexual hangings, and genocidal plots to wipe out Israel, you’re the one who’s going to jail.

I’ve seen Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, refuse to use the term “terrorism” and insist on calling jihad-inspired carnage “man-caused disasters.” As she helpfully explained to a German interviewer, she selected this term to “move away from the politics of fear” and, presumably, towards the politics of insanity.

I’ve seen Obama’s Department of Defense, which prosecutes our War on Man-Caused Disasters, order a complete purge of “anti-Islamic content” from all military training materials. Do me a favor: If you see a U.S. soldier, could you explain to him what “jihad” means?

Just this month, I’ve seen a U.S. Army training instructor teach his military students that “Evangelical Christianity” is the leading movement of dangerous “Religious Extremism,” along with “Catholicism” and “Islamophobia.” Funny how that works. I didn’t notice the entire city of Boston cowering inside their homes to stay safe from Islamophobes, did you?

I’ve seen the FBI conduct an interview with Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011 and come up blank. Maybe if Obama’s FBI hadn’t just purged its counterterrorism training manual of words like Muslim, Islam, jihad, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Sharia, they might have found a clue.

Three weeks ago, I saw the U.S. Army formally refuse to award Purple Hearts to the 13 soldiers killed and 32 wounded in the shooting rampage of Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood. Although Hassan was in extensive communication with Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki before screaming “Allahu Akbar” and opening fire, the military claims Hassan merely committed “workplace violence.”

But wait … there’s more

Blue Police State Arbitrarily Suspends Civil Liberties. But They Had A Good Excuse!


As a reminder of what happened last week in Boston, full scale martial law was in place. Citizens were told to stay in their homes. They were told not to travel to and from businesses, and not to open their businesses. The economy was completely shut down. Let’s be clear, the 2nd Amendment and the 4th Amendment did not exist in Boston last week (arguably, the 2nd Amendment has been ignored in Boston for some time now). Law enforcement claims this was all “voluntary” lockdown, but a citizen video shows a much different story.

Text and video

Editor’s note: That this would happen in what is arguably one of the most the liberal states in the country speaks volumes about the tactics which might be used by a liberal controlled, federal executive branch of government, given virtually any excuse, so long as the necessary assets and resources could be successfully acquired and deployed.

The hundreds of billions Congress has spent on alleged “Homeland Security” might well end up being used to oppress Americans, rather than deterring terrorists.  This past weekend in Boston, it was used to accomplished both.

If it happened in Boston … then with appropriate pretense … there’s little to stop it from happening in your own local community … especially if you happen to live in a blue state. These types of things tend to set precedents, so it’s likely this is only the beginning. And in the end, the only thing capable of stopping it may be “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state”.

That’s why the 2nd Amendment also maintains that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms arms, shall not be infringed.”

Should push ever come to shove, we can be certain that Joe Biden and his 12 gauge shotgun won’t have much of an effect on armored vehicles … or armored fighting men. And the would be tyrants know it.

That’s why they want to totally eliminate what they term “assault rifles” equipped with “large capacity” magazines … leaving the citizenry armed only with ineffective weaponry that would pose little or no threat to forces that might deliberately trample on the rights of all Americans … much as those same forces already selectively enforce only the laws of this land with which they happen to agree.

Graphic courtesy of Wikipedia

Seen on the web: Crocks and Pressure Cookers



Black leaders have been conspicuously tongue-tied on the Gosnell case, even though minority women were his prime victims and blacks account for a disproportionate percent of the country’s abortions.

Did you see the tears in Oprah’s eyes when she read that passage from the grand jury report describing Gosnell’s abortion mill as “a baby charnel house” that “regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy — and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors”?

Didn’t think so.

Where are America’s black leaders? Where are the president and the first lady?


Observations of an outspoken critic of the Boston interfaith prayer service

Regarding the various politicians and clergy who were invited to speak at Boston’s Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Cross, writer Thomas A. Droleskey observes :

It is no wonder that Ronne Friedman did not acknowledge Sean O’Malley as Friedman is an anti-Catholic bigot. He is a Christophobe. Nancy Taylor is just as much an anti-Catholic bigot as Ronne Friedman. Yet it is that they were permitted to speak at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross even though their very presence in the sanctuary of this once proud Catholic cathedral where so many thousands of true Masses were offered to God for His greater honor and glory as the very Sacrifice of the Cross was perpetuated in an unbloody manner was itself an act of mocking the Holy Cross and the Divine Redeemer upon which our sins fastened Him.

You might also like to know who one of Ronne Friedman’s congregants is. Sure, let me inform you. He is the brother of the 2004 nominee of the organized crime family of the naturalist “left,” the pro-abortion, pro-perversity then United States Senator and current United States Secretary of State John F. Kerry, at whose nominating convention in Boston, Massachusetts, nine years ago Ronne Friedman prayed to the devil:

Also yesterday, the invocation was given by Rabbi Ronne Friedman of Temple Israel in the Fenway. Kerry’s brother — attorney Cameron F. Kerry, a convert to Judaism — is a member of Temple Israel.

Link to Antichrist’s Liturgical Presiders